Monday, December 8, 2008


i definitely hate the cold and wish i was digging my toes into warm beach sand right now (florida tournament cant come soon enough!) but i really do like the holidays.

December is awesome if you are hella dorky like i am and love christmas music, especially feliz navidad, and the Frosty the Snowman and Rudolph specials on TV. I also love getting a tree every year and making everyone leave the room while i decorate it so it can be a surprise. see? dork.

but saturday it snowed. and it didnt hit me at first, i just enjoyed the first snow with a big smile.. but later. like- this morning. i thought of going home. where the snow sticks. and where i would build a snowman. because you got to. and Charlie would wait until the exact moment i finished the snowman, and then tackle it. what kind of dog does that??? she was so smart.

then i'd make snow angels and she'd jump on and eventually lay on me.
i haven't really cried about her since she's gone, but today i'm sobbing like a little baby. fucking animals. they're so good.

god this sucks.