Tuesday, December 11, 2007

So yesterday I saw Juno. It definitely exceeded my expectations, and i expected it to be great.

What's neat about Juno is how it starts off using a lot of contemporary teen slang and you get worried. You're like- fuck, is this going to continue throughout the film, because in that case, i'm outta here and you start frowning at your sour patch kids. [meanwhile the SPKids are like- "wtf? you always take this shit out on us- and BTW- you could eat the orange and yellows from time to time you freaking jerk."] BUT THEN, they stop talking in slang and you settle in for a sarcastic, sardonic, sometimes utterly cynical, followed up by wonderfully hopeful rollercoaster of fun.

and how cute is this tiny girl with a giganitc belly?
too cute.

I saw it with Peter, who seems to have the biggest boy-crush i've ever seen on Michael Cera. Which is weird, but so is Pete.

And the ending is wondeful. I won't say more than that. If you are a smart girl or boy you'll go see it.

1 comment:

Pete is a man said...

I wouldn't shy away from giving MC a kiss.