Tuesday, May 12, 2009

just ate some bangin tacos..

alone. wah. being the new kid at the agency is always weird. Arnold made it easier methinx. People there badgered me all day in order to see my boss, so I HAD TO interact. It's that PULL strategy- My boss drew people in through me. The issue here being that there are two divisions to the company- Strategy and Design. There's no marketing dept. i AM the marketing dept. and I sit away from everabody else and i get hungry around noon so i go out and eat tacos at noon, alone.

I'm also technically assistant to the CEO, but that's about 5% of the time and I never have to schedule meetings for him.. or do.. anything. but it's only day 2.

what's fun tho is i finally get to pretty much do nothing but research all day long. which is good cuz i'm nerdy. that may change as the findings pour in and we start writing content. My days are speckled with meetings to discuss the findings and build the beginnings of a strategy (i've got one in mind already, but i'm seeing if this research leads to any revelations)

the main thing i'm finding out about business websites these days is that they are surprisingly: static, simply a place to park information, dont give you any indication of personality, and don't offer much opportunity for interaction as a visitor. THAT interaction thingy is the Big finding. So how would you get someone to visit anyways? And once they got there, how do you engage and differentiate from the competition. This is the task to which i'm bound. I really like the work. It's kind of what i was hoping to do for ArnoldNYC's website, but that was a whole expensive redesign- whereas this is a focus on content and connectivity. i like it.

it's just like me and my situation. Why should anyone come visit me at my desk? I clearly have to work on my interactivity. I dont think I've got enough PUSH in my personal life strategy. or maybe it's PULL. or maybe I'm in a taco coma and can't remember my strategies. i shouldnt even be sharing my strategies!!

but i've said to much and now i have to kill you.

i wonder how long it will take before i can remember everyone's name and someone actually wants to talk to me for more than 45seconds.

one thing's for sure, no matter how satisfying the work, and it is so far, i dont think it could ever be the more important and defining facet of my life. I think the things I do when I leave here are vastly more interesting and make me a whole.

more insights to come.

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