Tuesday, May 27, 2008

this is the view from the roof. my new roof. of the new place i will be living.

in about ten weeks, there will be a gynormous building blocking this awesome view. that's about the saddest story i've ever had to tell.

williamsburg is bustling with gentrification. it's weird and touristy on bedford avenue. but where i live it's still like another world- for now. i like it.

i am going to get a bicycle because i've had a lot of fun being on one lately and i feel it's good for your soul. i have to learn the rules of biking and locking stuff and all that. and i need stronger muscles to carry my bike upstairs. i will do all of this and more.

in other news, if i dont take classes soon my brain will be so mushy you will hear it sloshing around when i walk.

i'm tired and sunburnt and happy and moving a lot of things this friday from one place to another. in between now and then i want to read on my roof. a lot.

sleepy post over.

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